Tools for PC

Version 2.10
InterMod calculates "safe" frequencies in a wireless microphone system (eg. for theatres and studios).
InterMod presents the result for easy problem-solutions with interfering transmitter-frequencies.
This program is licenced as "Shareware (with code)". You can try it out, but it has some limitations.
To purchase a license make a donation with the amount of 50 € (this includes three users/computers).
And in the message area make sure you specify the name of this software and your email.
Send me a mail that you've made a donation (just in case paypal forgets). And I'll get back to you how to activate your licenses. One license includes the installation on three different computers.
InterMod presents the result for easy problem-solutions with interfering transmitter-frequencies.
This program is licenced as "Shareware (with code)". You can try it out, but it has some limitations.
To purchase a license make a donation with the amount of 50 € (this includes three users/computers).
And in the message area make sure you specify the name of this software and your email.
Send me a mail that you've made a donation (just in case paypal forgets). And I'll get back to you how to activate your licenses. One license includes the installation on three different computers.
NB! There is no way to transfer an installation from one computer to another (new) computer. You need to buy additional licenses. Additional licenses can be purchased for a reduced price. Contact me first.
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💰 Make a donation!? 💰
In no event shall the programmer be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation,
damages for loss of business profits,
business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss)
arising out of the use or inability to use the software, even if the programmer
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
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