Development status

There is only one game made for your browser, and it's a remake of the old classic game "Asteroids". There will probably not be any more games for this platform.
"Thanks for all the fish!"

⇪ Other platforms? ⇪

Refer to the respective sections for more details about future releases and the development status of ongoing projects.

Keep an eye out for these icons:


Games for your browser

Version 1.0.2


The plot of the game is simple... Shoot the asteroids and don't die!

Oh, yes... and there is a bonus item floating around, don't shoot it... fly over it. It's a powerful power-up which powers up your weapons power! (pow, pow!)

Best desktop browser experience

Chrome (no lag)
Firefox (lag)
Safari (lagging!!)
Opera (what is this?)
Internet Explorer (are you kidding me!?)

How to play (on computers)
Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to steer (left or right) and to throttle use the up arrow. Remember... there is no friction in space. Fire your gun with the spacebar. There is also a "failsafe" button in case some asteroid suddenly escapes out of bounds, just hit the Esc button and all asteroids gets Nuked (level just restarts, so no actual advantage).

How to play (on mobile devices)
Use the left side of your screen to steer, move finger left or right and to throttle move finger up. Press or hold the right side of the screen to shoot.

☯ May the Force be strong with You!

⇪ New platforms ⇪

Future plans includes versions for iPhone & iPad.

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💰 💰 💰
I would like to thank everyone who has donated money and by doing so supporting my projects. Let the money work (for me).
💸  💸

General information about the apps on this site
All apps have been tested on appropriate devices. Support for running apps on iPad, iPhone or iPod devices with older iOS version than 7.1 is not applicable (it may work, or not). Android apps have VERY limited support due to the fact that there are over 5000 different devices on the market (if it works... good for you! Otherwise, buy a product from Apple :P ) Some apps show ads which usually can be removed with an in-app purchase. By removing ads, you support further development and future releases. You can also make extra donations on this site. Thank You in advance!

📵  LIABILITY: In no event shall the programmer be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use or inability to use the software, even if the programmer has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

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